Tuesday, January 06, 2009

When Gone Ain't Gone

My father died when I was in college, so it always hits me hard when I hear that a friend has lost a father. It's never easy to lose a parent, no matter how young or old you are, no matter how young or old your parents are, no matter how "good" or how "bad" they were as parents.

The father of a friend of mine died this week, and, as it so happens, the father had lived a pretty long life by today's standards. He had children and grandchildren. And he had been a man of influence on the lives of many, many people. He suffered a great deal at the end of his life, and the people who knew him are glad he has relief from that pain. His son helped take care of him until the very end, sitting with him when he took his final breath, always honoring him through his actions.

They'll miss him, but only for a short time. They know his death is not eternal, because he was a man who long ago embraced the greatest gift ever offered to the human race -- salvation. And they'll see his legacy on earth for as long as they are here, because the people who knew him are part of that legacy. He touched them, and they're touching others.

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