Monday, August 04, 2008

Pet Peeves

I try to keep my pet peeves on a short leash. Most of them aren’t housebroken, and they don’t always play well with others.

Peeve: Meaning something that is particularly irritating or annoying. It comes from the 14th Century word “peevish,” meaning “ornery or ill-tempered.”

You can see why they don’t make great pets.

Mine often involve the English language, which probably makes no sense considering how often I mistreat that fine lady.

Regardless, here are two that stand at the front door and bark all day: 1.) People who write/say unconscious when they mean subconscious. 2.) People who put their sentence-ending punctuation marks on the outside of their quotation marks. And, while I’m at it, Microsoft Word when it tells me to use “that” or “whom” when the appropriate word to use is “who.”

Whom knows what lurked in the unconscious minds of the designers when they created the program defining the usage of “who”.

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